Hosted by the McKinsey Black Network and the Hispanic & Latino Network
Alternate Tuesdays; 3:00-4:00 pm CT
Affinity office hours are an informal opportunity for students to ask questions related to McKinsey & Company (e.g., the recruiting process, application deadline, resume guidance, etc.). In addition, these special sessions will be focused on the McKinsey Black Network and the Hispanic & Latino Network. They provide students a casual, non-evaluative opportunity to drop in and ask questions about our recruiting process. The chats will be with Erika Love who leads undergraduate recruiting for the McKinsey Black Network and the Hispanic & Latino Network. Attendees may also hear from consultants from our affinity groups. Students who identify as Black, Hispanic/LatinX, and/or Indigenous to the United States are encouraged to attend. Feel free to hop on for a couple minutes to ask a question or stay on for the entire time.