Mock Interviews

The Career Center staff are pleased to offer UNT faculty/staff the opportunity to plan mock interviews for your class or department. Students will benefit from a mock interview by practicing telling their career story, feeling more prepared for an actual interview, boosting their confidence, and receiving critical feedback from a Career Center expert or industry professional.

Mock Interviews take advance planning and coordination, so we ask UNT faculty/staff to contact the Employer Services team ahead of the start of the semester to begin the planning process. We are always happy to meet in person or meet virtually to chat about specifics.

The Employer Services team will ask you to fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of the page to answer all the questions about how you want to set up the mock interview. Once we receive the questionnaire, we will ask you to send your student roster, ask you any follow up questions, and then get started on entering in your date into Handshake.

The link below shows the Career Center mock interview grading rubric – faculty/staff are welcome to use our rubric or send their own after starting the request for a mock interview.

Mock Interview Grading Rubric

The Career Center staff can also provide standard mock interview questions and an example of a class presentation. We are happy to present on only the Handshake process (15-20 minutes) or spend an entire class presentation on preparation for interviews (50 or 80 minutes).

Please review the Career Center Career Fairs and Networking Event dates on our calendar. The Career Fair dates are also dates that will not be able to be scheduled due to our team conducting these events. Other dates that will possibly be unavailable may include the day before a Career Fair due to prep for the event, other signature events the Career Center hosts or collaborates on, or if the interview suite rooms are reserved for on campus interviews with employers. Planning ahead of the start of a semester will help us to avoid conflicts and is much appreciated.

Faculty Mock Interviews Outreach Questions

If your department or class has any questions about Mock Interviews, please contact for more information. Students looking for more information on scheduling mock interviews should contact their Career Coach or a Career Ambassador.